Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Well Done Daisy!!!

Congratulations to Daisy, she laid her first egg yesterday. The snow has almost disappeared here in Middlesbrough, though we are forecast to have more over the weekend, not too much I hope as i'd like to get a few things sorted, even if it's just cutting wood to size for all those construction jobs I have to do.

I've been looking through my magazines over the last couple of days, trying to get some ideas, looking at seed catalogues and checking what seeds I have left from last year to see what I need ordering. ADVICE NEEDED, when it says that you need to buy fresh seed each year for example with parsnip, if you didn't open the seed from last year and it is still sealed as when it was bought, will this still be ok if it is within it's BBE date on the reverse of the packet?

Monday, 6 December 2010

Update and the Allotment Song

Following on from my last post, I went along to the pruning course, it was really interesting and has given me a small amount of confidence for when I need to start and prune all those new trees we are waiting to be delivered for the orchard and my own four trees for my plot. But due to the snow, there hasn’t been any progress made with preparing the holes for the impending trees, nor with any of the winter jobs that I’m so keen to get on with.

I think that the very cold weather is affecting Mrs Pepperpot, she hasn’t laid any eggs for a week now, it says in one of my magazines that when the weather is sooooo cold they use a lot of the nutrients from their food to keep warm and it’s been recording as low as -10 at times during the last week or so. I can’t blame her really.

So as there has been nothing more done at the allotment, due to the mass covering of snow here in Middlesbrough, I thought I’d share with you my son’s allotment song which he sings to me. I love this song but can never get the words right, which really annoys Caleb, so I’ve jotted it down and now I’m going to share it with you:

Down at my allotment there are vegetables and flowers,
I planted every one of them and stay there hours and hours,
I have a little shed where I can make a cup of tea,
Down at my allotment is the only place for me.

Carrots, Cauliflowers, Onions and Beans,
Courgettes, Brussels sprouts, Squash and Wintergreens,
Tulips, Daffodils, Marigolds and Phlox
Sunflowers, Violets, Daisy’s, Hollyhocks.

Hope you liked it. But for now, I guess it’s time to get the books out and start planning what is going to go where and what new seeds I’m wanting to try.
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