Sunday, 3 June 2012

Working on the Bottle-House

Back at the allotment this afternoon, i'm concentrating on trying to get the bottle-house sorted ready for the tomatoes, chilli's/peppers, aubergines and cucumbers to be planted in it.  I've now completed all the beds (four) with a pebble path going down the middle.  I have also started to build the roof, I've put up two panels so far.  These are taking just a little bit longer than I thought would, but i'll carry on regardless.  I am determined to have it completed by the end of the month.

Four Raised Beds 

 Two Roof Panels Fitted

So Far......

How daft did I feel..... I'd built the roof panels (each measured 4ft x 4ft), fixed on the bottles, and went to put them in the boot of the car to take to the allotment.  Opened the boot, lifted the panel and doh! they were too big, how did I manage that!  So I had to take the side bars off so that they had a bit of flexibility so I could maneuver them into the boot... had a quick look around, was there anyone watching.... I hope not!


  1. How interesting! I'm totally infatuated with this bottle house idea. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I've never heard of such a thing. I really like your allotment and your song! Thanks for swinging by my porch. I'm anxious to see how your blog goes. Wow that was a big egg.

  2. Thanks BBB&B, I can't wait to see what it looks like myself, it's been a picture in my head for so long, an idea I've had really since taking on the allotment, but I can now see it coming into vision, and it's rather exciting....


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