Monday, 25 January 2010

At Last more than just a Fleeting Visit!

Caleb and I popped over to the allotment on Saturday for 10 minutes, the weather was dry and I wanted to see if it was feasible for me to do any work. I had some free time on Sunday afternoon and I wanted to fill it with ‘muck’ and hard graft! Things looked promising.

Sunday arrived; it was a bit nippy so I wrapped up well. Samson has only been to the allotment a couple of times, we only adopted him in November so there have been few chances to get over there since he came to live with us. So the allotment and growing veggies will be a new experience for the two of us (well three when Caleb’s enthusiasm is working, he blows hot and cold about the whole thing).

So down to some work, as the pigeons had decimated my PSB I’ve pulled them all up, chopped them down and composted them. I had about 5 cabbages still in the ground when the snow hit, well you couldn’t call them cabbages anymore, slimy green blobs would be a better phrase, and so up they came. Next it was the sprouts, they hadn’t really amounted to much and the pigeons had eaten the tops, so I pulled them up and decided to snap off the few decent sized ones that had developed. I didn’t have a tub to put them in (something I’ve got to start collecting) so I put them on top of a piece of board on a bucket to gather up when leaving for home. I turned around 5 minutes later only to find Samson chomping away at them, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The pigeons had eaten my PSB, the snow had finished off my Cabbages and Samson had scoffed the sprouts. I thought it was supposed to be Grow Your Own, not grow for everything else!

Not to rub salt into my wounds, it looks like the over-wintering onions have all gone mushy, so I don’t think they’ll be worth persevering with, and not one single broad bean had germinated. So much for hardy veg!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Samson will have enjoyed your sprouts, and at least you had some for him to eat. I've just had to compost all of mine, they were rubbish.


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